Our Product

Formulated in 1999 as a supplement for synthetic fertilisers in the fields of Agriculture, Viticulture and large scale Horticulture, certified by APVMA and being the most powerful and complete organic nutrients.

Organic Protein. Chemical-Free.

“ENERGY Solutions”, formulated by Environmental Organic Nutrients (EON), provides more Organic Protein than any other fertiliser supplement.

It is incorporated by large scale producers because of consistently better yields in a range of soils and diversified climates.


Increased efficiency of nutrients

Proven Performer

Consistently better yields

Organic Protein

More than any fertiliser supplement.



The Productivity of a soil is in direct proportion to the amount of Organic Nutrients provided.
We at EON suggest the cleanest, safest way to do this is with a pure, powerful and complete Organic liquid.



Organic Protein Is The Most Important Asset for Agriculture, Viticulture & Horticulture. Billions of dollars are lost due to unproductive, outdated practices. Soils are dependent on the presence of microbes for natural nutrition. They thrive and multiply with the addition of organic food, reduce leaching of chemicals and improve soil structure.

Healthy crops



Crops become stronger and roots are stimulated to seek sub-soil nutrients and moisture. A more-steady uptake of nutrients should then reduce Flush and Wilt.

Amino Acids in our formulae will penetrate directly into the foliage and provide the most important of all nutrients being Organic Proteins.




So what is the safest, cleanest, most effective means of applying Organic nutrients?

Working with Scientists, Agronomists, Horticulturists, Distributors and Growers over a number of years in a diverse range of soils, crops and climates from India, The Middle East, China, Indonesia and Australia, EON has formulated the most powerful and complete, intense liquid organic formulae which are named ENERGY Solutions™ & Organic Energy™.